Sunday, January 17, 2010

Embracing Uncertainty

As my earlier posts have indicated I've been involved with computers for as long as I can remember. In fact I was studying Computer Programming while they invented and released the Personal Computer. Yes, there were computers before PCs! Since leaving my full time job in December I seem to have been challenged technology wise.

At 1:30 am this past Wednesday I had to stop, and look around. I had 4 open PCs in my living room, my main desktop not booting and my laptop in the shop because it wasn't booting. Sometimes you just have to stop and evaluate. I am of the opinion that in life we need to utilize our strengths and hire out our weaknesses.

I do understand what I was doing.....but was it the best use of my time! Time is the equalizer in life. We all have gifts and strengths but what we do with our time determines our destinies. I also believe that God is not the author of frustration and I was nearing that point! I sent my wonderful friend home that was helping me and decided it took more faith to go to sleep and know that Thursday was a new day then to stay up and try to fix things.

Trusting God's timing and leading is one of the most difficult parts of my journey. I am a doer! I tend to charge ahead; with a little nudge I'm off and running. As time is flying by, I am much more aware that I have to make the most of every day. Especially now that I'm self-employed!

I trudged through Thursday (an online meeting without a mic-thank God for chat windows!) I made a list of what I could/should do and who I should enlist to reach my goals this week. Taking the time to step back and prioritize my goals every day is helping me become more efficient.

A can of condensed air saved my main desktop and thanks to Andrew it is now hardwired and much faster. My incredible friend Sabrina (willing to loose sleep to help me) saved the day with the four other computers and assisted me with getting the hard drives all backed up and know I'm ready to move forward with three - one for each teenager. A brand new printer installed; thanks Sharon and although the shop called on Friday and the laptop won't be ready until Monday I see progress.

It's easy to get discouraged, to question yourself but you have to know that you know that you are on the right track; sometimes it is a leap of faith. Faith is "the substance of things unseen" so taking my eyes off what is in front of me and getting my eyes onto my goals and dreams give me perspective. I heard a stat this week that 85% of life is affected by association. It made me step back and think about who I am spending time with.

Having mentors and the incredible people I've been blessed to work with in my life is a continual source of encouragement. Having a local church (Calvary Pentecostal Church) with solid teaching that each week either inspires or challenges me to make mid-course corrections. Subscribing to an ongoing personal and professional development program that allows me to choose to put in a CD by a successful business owner that has persevered. I receive tweets from business leaders that are landing in Peter Island and sharing the photos to inspire our dreams!

Choosing to spend quiet time with God is by far the most important part of my life. My beliefs are based on the fact that He is a loving God that wants the personal relationship with us that His son died to make possible. He is available 24/7, he has a plan...and it is the best one! Choosing to spend this afternoon refocusing on that relationship confirmed as always that I'm on the right track! He speaks, but I'm not always listening. So today I did! My kids went to visit their grandfather and I shut off the electronics and opened the Bible; did a spiritual inventory and in my prayer time was reminded of Andy Stanley's book Visioneering. In this book Andy talks about Nehemiah's story about fulfilling his purpose.

This is how God works in my life....since quitting work in December, all sorts of opportunities have come my way. When I give God the time; he gives me signposts along the way to confirm my path. It really is a simple child like existence when we know who is in control. So...I finish up my prayer time feeling confident I'm on the right track, I sit down in front of my computer to check on my many social communities and login to YouTube to listen to my favorite tunes and guess what the top suggested video for my today got it Andy Stanley with a message on One Prayer. The message was on what I had just read and once again confirms how much God cares about the intimate details of our lives and if we are willing to give Him the time and devotion; He'll lead!

Wishing each and everyone of you a fantastic week and if you are struggling with any of the above items; here is a great message for you on Margins by LifeChurchTV. Keep going and growing! I may not know what tomorrow holds but I know who is in control and that is all I need to know.

1 comment:

  1. Another awesome inspiring message Kathy. You are setting the example. From sharing a room together as kids to sharing your dreams what a blessing it has been to have you as a sister and a friend. Keep on Keeping on!!!
