busy life is. I saw this title in my drafts and realize how appropriate that I found this today. I watched this movie with my wonderful daughter on Jan 24, 2010. Need I say more about being too busy!
Busy is not a badge I wear proudly; in fact I'd much rather be fruitful than busy. My amazing daughter (that loves to cook, as I did) has now graduated High School and tomorrow starts off on her new adventure. A new city, a job in a restaurant to investigate further whether cooking or restaurant management will be her career choice.
This plan has been in the works for a while and it hit me like a ton of bricks last weekend. The fact that this era of our lives is over. I've had two other daughter's graduate high school and pursue their choices so why is this so different? This daughter is my baby girl...really is that it?
Her twin brother's are a grade behind....mhmmm I think we are getting closer to the truth. It is amazing how we focus on our futures, our plans, hopes and ambitions and then one day wake up and realize the future is NOW! I've had the philosophy that my privilege as a mother is to raise each unique child towards their strengths. It's been my goal to take them from dependent infants to 18 year old's that know who they are and are ready to stand on their own.
The letting go is just as important as the initial bonding of the child. The knowledge that we've imparted life's important messages and grounded them in faith. Then setting them free to explore, fall down, get back up and begin their own journey.
She's off tomorrow...I'll adjust the groceries, visit her room from time to time and be very thankful for technology and instant communication and pray that as she embarks on writing the next chapter of her life; I'll remain the constant cheerleader!
I'll remember how friendly this daughter was as a little girl. She excelled at swimming! She is poetry in motion in a the water. This beautiful, independent, creative, fun, spontaneous, insightful girl made friends wherever she went. She took over my kitchen almost two years ago and helped this family out with meals and driving. Thanks Baby Doll!
As I write this I'm listening to one of my favourite speakers; aptly Charles Stanley's message this week is called "Holding Too Tightly". Thank you God for the reminder; another one set free with love, prayer and blessing.