Sunday, December 20, 2009

A week later....

It's been a week since I took my last pay cheque to the bank to deposit. In my first week of self-employment I registered my business name - Touch Marketing. I worked with a designer on the logo to represent my venture; Gift & Incentives, Social Marketing Training and then added Previsite to the mix. I've put my goals before me and am GOING for it!

It's incredible to know that you are taking a leap of faith to pursue something you feel compelled to do. The defining moments of realizing who you are, your strengths and weaknesses and then to take the time to contemplate what truly burns deep within yourself. What makes your heart sing and moves you to tears?

I've always been one to watch the overcoming type movies. I love Rudy, Pursuit of Happyness, Field of Dreams, Braveheart even 300 in its brutality is about standing against all odds for what you believe in. One of my favourite quotes is: "
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." by Theodore Roosevelt

I've listened to amazing leaders like Jody Victor for over 10 years now! With 6000+ hours of personal and professional development (just ask my kids about CDs, books, seminars & Joyce Meyer!) I have boiled it all down to a few simple things....We all have gifts, we choose what to do with our time on a daily basis, which dictates our destiny.

Michael Jordan says it very well in this video:

I have the utmost respect for anyone that chooses to focus their attention on a worthwhile goal and through sweat and tears achieves their dream! How can we look at those that have made a difference in so many peoples lives and not desire to do the same? Desire is not enough; neither is good intentions. The rubber meets the road when you acknowledge that you won't be content until you become what your God given vision is.

A week later.....I've become so very time conscious and aspire to do the next right thing each hour of each day and sometimes that is to rest and trust Him with the details for Rome wasn't built in a day!

This Diamond Lady says goodnight and I wish you all the success you are wiling to work for!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Preparing to Pursue The Dream again....

As I prepare to go back to self-employment, I am thankful, excited and want to give God all the praise. So much happens in the course of a week in my life that I am always amazed at the dates on the calendar.

My sons turned 16 last month - yes I am blessed with twin boys after having three daughters. They really are double the joy. Watching how they interact brings a smile to my face most days. They have never known a life without a playmate. As one walks into the room and says "Ping Pong" the other jumps up and off they go.

For each of my children I've attempted to do something extra special for their 16th birthday as it seems like a real transition time in their lives. I had been thinking about these two turning 16 all year and last spring decided that I'd like to get them tickets to see their favorite hockey teams play against each other. For one, they've never been to see a professional hockey game (I know, how does that happen in Canada?). Secondly, I found out that Calgary and Toronto play against each other once a year in each city.

Therefore, I decided last spring already that this was to be their gift. I shared this goal with several people including the guys from work. In August a co-worker (thanks Rob-true Leafs fan!) let me know the schedule was coming out that day. I came home from work, checked and lo and behold as my finger travelled down the computer screen looking for the match up....Calgary came to Toronto on their 16th birthday! Yes God is that Great - on their actual birthday.

How would I ever contain myself. I did a little dance and shout in my kitchen and sent my son-in-law a text - I knew he'd celebrate with me; being a hockey fan himself. I had to find tickets and keep it a secret until the big day! With the help of my daughters we pulled it off....except my business conference was the same weekend.

I don't miss those conferences as they have been life lines for me. So much more than a business conference. I am blessed with a team of people to lead and take that responsibililty very serious. My children understand that and we celebrate birthday's when it is convenient for all of us. My daughter (and her boyfriend) to the rescue. They would do the driving.

As I sat at my conference I was reminded of how dreams do come true and was thinking about the boys preparing for their game. I was reflecting on that as Wes Beavis came on stage, or should I say jumped on a table and began signing "Celebration". I've never seen a speaker with an entrance like his. He shared a great message about overcoming adversity and fear to becoming all we are meant to be. My kind of message....with the exception that as he was ending his talk he began singing "Cat's in the Cradle".

That song was a favourite of a couple important men in my life and as I listened I wept. It was 10 years ago I began this business and about the same time on a Saturday afternoon at my first business conference I became overwhelmed with the fact that I was born for this arena. This year, as I had already planned my transition strategy from work, and was preparing to pursue my dream of becoming a business leader; God placed this incredibly talented speaker in front of me.

I was thinking that this song was so out of place in this arena of hope because it is so cyclical and its time to break cycles that aren't productive. As Wes finished the song he said it was time we re-wrote that last verse and I cheered to hear his rendition of the last verse: Family Time. I was reminded of why I choose to build this amazing business opportunity. I am committed to the process; Dream, Struggle, Victory!

Now as I prepare for the next adventure of my life; I am reflecting on how awesome it is to feel like I am in the palm of God's hand. I am basking in His attention to details and thanking Him for the faith of my children as together we take this leap.

As you prepare for this Christmas season I hope you pause long enough to be reminded of who you are and how integral your life is to the bigger purposes here on earth! My gift to you "He that lives in hope danceth without music." by George Herbert.